Sunday, August 30, 2009

All's Quiet...At Somebody Else's House

The Calm Before the Storm

The Breath Before the Plunge

It sounds tranquil, doesn't it?

And if you are lying in bed sleeping when the storm rolls up upon you, then maybe it is.

If you are dead, that is.

Because anyone who has prepared for a performance or trained for an athletic event will tell you that the last block of time of preparation is a frenzy of activity even when it looks methodical and meticulous to the outside observer. Even the last breath before going stage, entering the jury room, springing forth for dives or marathons and stepping onto the field of competition - that last breath is filled with all of the energy and purpose that will sustain you throughout the trial. The quality and energy of that breath is the hallmark of a virtuoso.

It reminds me of The Wizard of Oz. They know the storm is coming. The animals have sensed it, and then, when the people catch on, they run around securing what they can in the time allotted.

In a few moments, however, there will be at least a virtual calm before the storm of my move. As I pack "the last things" - which may well take all night - the computer must be powered down. Then it will be several days before we are on line again.

So stay tuned, y'all. And the most exciting part of my return will be that I won't be in packing frenzy anymore. Unpacking is like a treasure hunt! So here's to endings and beginnings and starting a new life! See you on the other side!

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