The following are the primary materials that we are using for our French Club learning this year:
1. L'Art de dire
L'Art de dire is available from"For pre-readers and/or beginners in grades Kindergarten-3. A great introduction to learning French. Detailed lesson plans, reproducible teaching aids and a totally oral approach make this program ideal for teaching French to children who are not yet ready to learn to read in French."
I chose this curriculum for our family with French club in mind because it seems like it will be a good way for families to learn together at a gentle pace without any traditional study. It is easy to supplement with games, songs and daily repetition.
2. Play and Learn French
We use this for some extra vocabulary in between L'Art de dire lessons. It is good for introducing parents to phrases and games that they can use to help create a French environment for immersion-style learning at home. I think it makes a good supplement to other learning materials or for those parents who already speak at least intermediate-level French. It would not function well as a stand-alone learning tool.
3. Yadeeda/Alan Le Lait
The French Songs of Alan Le Lait are available through Amazon.comHis main website is
The songs can also be watched on YouTube!
4. YouTube
The world of language learning is at your fingertips in YouTube, and below I have linked to my playlists for French Club.But Be Warned!
There are ads on YouTube before many of the videos, and it is not advisable to leave your children watching a playlist unless you are handy to skip the ads as they begin to play. Even on children's content, the ads are not always appropriate for younger viewers.
Français en famille
This playlist is added to each week with a few videos to help reinforce what we did at French club. Listen often, even in the background.
Français: chansons enfants
French songs, nursery rhymes, ear worms. Great for listening to at breakfast or while mom and dad get dinner ready!
Français: dessins animés
When you are feeling brave, offer cartoons - in French!