Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dear Half-Blood Prince, Love, Half-Blood Italian

Well let's get the simple things out of the way first.

It was awesome. I went to the midnight opening, and except for the fact that I am now too old to pull all-nighters, it was a stitch to see with the enthusiastic crowd, most of whom were, *GASP* , half my age. [wailing and gnashing of teeth]
I intend to see it again, of course, this Tuesday, in fact, with Mum, who is coming to town from way down Georgia way, and husband. Need to make arrangements for tiny tot.
And I do not have the stamina for a real movie review. You know, name dropping of every single cast member by their real life muggle names. Critiquing of style, guessing at awards and money to be made.
I mean I already said that my overall review was, and I quote, "awesome."

But I have a few bones to pick.


I mean, I get it. I was not the director. Nor the producer. Nor anyone associated professionally with the film. So just because I think that on my list of things not to cut was "You're Dumbledore's man through and through," and Veelaliciousness, and the scene with the Muggle PM, well I get it. I do not have a say.
And I noticed that Tonks looked... kind of awful. No explanations. And it was not my choice to have Luna episkey Harry's nose.
And even the changed beginning, with Harry picking up chicks. Fine. Whatever.

BUT Harry goes rushing into a wheatfield, Ginny races after him in her bath robe ? The BURROW IS SET AFLAME? THAT's ALL WE SEE OF FENRIR?


Honestly, I'll think I'll rummage in my bag for a piece of gum during that scene from now on. Just block it out. I demand an explanation!

And speaking of Ginny.
Why couldn't they just kiss after the Quidditch match?
Why is she in the room of requirement with him?
WE DO NOT get a first glimpse, unsuspecting, of the DIADEM!!

I understand when story lines must be left out or conflated in the interest of time and clarity. They couldn't really show all the lead up for the Vanishing cabinent reveal I suppose. But why did they completely change the plot lines for essential character development or future plot clues?? Why was Harry downstairs (in the clocktower and not the roof, mind you) just milling around, feeling confused about what to do, instead of frozen under the cloak of invisibility???


If they had ditched that stupid wheat field scene there would have been plenty of room for a really cool battle!

Can anyone explain it???

Never fear, I will content myself with the better-than-imagined eerie lake scene. *I* nearly died.
And yes, Slughorn was fab as was Dumbledore and Snape, of whom I really have always been a great fan.
My sister and I had a lively discussion after this book, I can tell you. She cursed Snape, understandably to be sure, but I had faith in him.

Still do.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Awesome things of the day

First, I have been inspired today by my sister's blog. It really is very fun, very fresh, great writing. Honestly it's hilarious, a high complement in my book. Here tis:

Second, Pops Pizza, Quincy, IL. This is some of the best pizza anywhere, and I crave to go there. On Thursday night they have an awesome and affordable buffet, so we are for sure eating at Pops tonight!

Also, can I tell you how excited I am about the new Harry Potter movie!! Only a week away, witches and wizards! To get us in the mood, here is an awesome song by the Ministers of Magic.

My sister has told me about Harry and Potters, a Boston Group, and now I cannot wait to find them, too!

I hope you like the new layout!