Happy New Year, Cats and Kittens! It has been a while. Pregnancy and new baby and dissertation, Oh My! So lots is happening and I am excited about sharing. I'll start the new year with a little update to the blog: the About page. Here 'tis:
I am a medievalist, an historical theologian, a wife and a mother. My husband works in the fields of education and ministry. We are Christians, the straight-not-narrow kind. I became a mother in April 2008 and again in November 2010. My darling husband (DH) and my two boys, pumpkin (approaching 3) and mango (in his first months), are part of my soul.
We currently live in Springfield, IL. Besides being a stay-at-home-mother, I am writing my dissertation and plan to have finished in August 2011.
My hobbies include cooking and baking, knitting, crochet, and sewing, singing and playing the flute and french horn. I also love to read. I enjoy learning and using multiple languages, and I love computers and technology. I also enjoy sports and find myself being converted into being a fan with actual sports knowledge who watches, listens to, and talks sports. I watch little television and few movies, but Netflix has become a friend. I like swimming and walking and dancing.
In short, I am both a geek and a nerd.
As for lifestyle and parenting philosphy, my husband and I strive for simplicity. We aim for fiscal responsibility, not spending money we don't have and spending what we do have according to budget based on our values. I breastfeed, and we cloth diaper and enjoy cooking most of our meals and snacks from scratch. We don't believe in spanking but do believe in consistent discipline. We enjoy attending Mass every week and being involved in our parish.
But all that being said, I firmly believe in idea expressed in the following quote from Jennifer Garner from an interview published in Parade on Jan 24 2010: "I will tell you what I can’t abide—and I think the Internet has really created a space for it—women criticizing other women and mothers criticizing other mothers. It just makes me crazy, whether it’s between staying at home, going to work, how long you breastfeed, if you use formula. I feel like we should just assume everyone is doing the best they can. Women should take care of each other, not tear each other down."
I hope this blog is a place where we may inspire each other.
Pax, Shalom, Salaam: Peace to you all!
Blessings upon this new year! Party on, y'all!